It was I Heart Seki, then Bunnies, & now it's I Heart Seki again.
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Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Bunnies Nonsense

Sometimes the silliness is not really silliness. It's just, strange.
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Easter to Summer: Bunnies!
Fishing, naturally, continues.
Oh well. Next time.
And then came the day Monica needed to go to Badlands, so we decided to run around & grab all the FPs. Yay, a Bunny effort! Darick joined us in Arathi, & we spent the next hour or so playing around with his aggro range- er, I mean, picking up FPs.
Arathi to Wetlands, Wetlands to Loch Modan, Loch Modan to Badlands.
I definitely know way more WoW geography than US or even Earth geography.
And there was still some PvP, although somewhat slim pickings. In Hillsbrad there was a rogue who had a thing for Dunizel. Reid would kill him every time he killed me, until he was joined by a ?? Draenei Priest named Healnei. Well, that wasn't fun any more.
I think on the same day we ran into Sgtjack, whose acquaintence I had made previously in Stonetalon. Nice to see you again, Sgtjack. We had actually run past him, meaning to leave him alone since there were 2 of us & only 1 of him, but he wanted to play. All good!
I hear p3ons4hir3 is being sued by Blizzard. Good for those assholes.
Believe it or not, I'm not even halfway through the screenshots. Yeah, I've been slacking. Blame it on Puppy. Blame it on Missing Dave. Blame it on Lovechile. Blame it on Miller Lite.
Isep made it to Un'Goro. I had been putting it off because I'm always so short of freaking bag space, & I recall quests in Un'Goro requiring a lot of collecting. I also got the Morrowgrain quest in Thunder Bluff, for which I had to collect a plethora of Un'Goro soil to turn in for all kinds of goodies. Repeatable, too.
I've been spending more time on Dunizel, as I mentioned earlier, in the hopes of getting to run around with other Bunnies. Krissy was on one night; it's always fun to run around with her. And we're both so pretty! While soloing later, I encroached upon a Draenei Priest's hunting area. As I normally do, I pointedly ignored him, leaving him an opening, & he didn't take it. We ended up sharing the area quite companiably. I skinned all his kills too.
Isep traveled to Azshara, but it was hard to get anything done there. Just too much good fishing. It's my downfall.
Then there was the last patch. I had to update all my mods. Fishing got bugged, Group Loot got bugged. Wolves & pigs got John Carpenterish.
Then there was the Three Man Gnomeregan Run. Reid (34 warlock), Phil (27 Druid) & I (34 Priest) got all the way to the boss. And then the bombs wiped us. But what a fun run! We came up with more combinations of CC & DPS than the bar has brands of beer. Good shit!! And damn good tanking! I can see why Phil is in such demand on 2 other servers.
I've decided that I like pvp on Dunizel better than on Isep, Minionette, or even Tamastara. A few days in the Witherbark Village in Arathi, Dunizel saw an orc lock being jumped by 3 Alliance. Thinking to even it out a little, I ran over, throwing SW:Ps & Vampiric Embraces. Psychic Scream is a thing of beauty.
We dispatched the paladin & the mage, & I helped the warrior finish off the mob that was beating on him, & he turned around & rushed me. I love an aggressive man!
The lock went off on his own; presently the 3 Alliance rezzed & came back to see me. I dispatched 1 but was beaten by the mage. Poor use of Silence & Arcane Torrent on my part; one learns a lot from dying.
Running back to my body, I invited the lock to group as the Alliance were moving on to him. I hopped across the lake just in time to get a few hits in before they died. Affliction spec, Reid. It's the way to go. That lock was lethal.
Inspired by the lock in Arathi, I logged Sovaz (17) on & was immediately challenged to duel by a mage a couple of levels higher. I summoned my imp & we had at it.
With the imp blasting away, I took some damage as I cast Fear, but was able to lay DoTs on as Netherlord ran around Tranquillien. He ran pretty far, too, with the DoTs continuing to cook as he ran back. The first duel was won fairly easily.
The 2nd time around, he changed his strat. He would immediately sheep me, then Arcane Missile my imp to death. Then he would hit me, I would take damage while casting Fear, lay Agony & Corruption on him, then re-summon my imp. He'd come back, sheep me, kill the imp, & then the cycle would start again. However, sheep heals & Fear doesn't. I think I ended up re-summoning the imp 4 times.
And that's all for now! The good news is that Alliance : Horde ratio is now something like 1 : 2.7. It's getting better! Soon there will be PvP for one & all! God Bless Alliance!
I leave you with a quote from Twin Peaks.
Albert Rosenfield: Now you listen to me. While I will admit to a certain cynicism, the fact is that I am a naysayer and hatchetman in the fight against violence. I pride myself in taking a punch and I'll gladly take another because I choose to live my life in the company of Gandhi and King. My concerns are global. I reject absolutely revenge, aggression, and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love. I love you Sheriff Truman.