Weekends are a great time to go fishing. With the Alliance population so low on our server, it's not really because I'm worried about gankage. Ok, so maybe any time is a great time to go fishing.
I started off in Steamwheedle Port, my most comfortable fishing spot. With a skill of 210 I wasn't catching every fish, but the pleasant atmosphere in itself is fulfilling.
I wanted to catch Yellowtails so I could turn them in for the AQ War Effort at Orgrimmar, so I traveled around a bit looking for a good spot until my Fishing skill reached 225. Then I headed over to see Nat.
After that, it was a pilgrimage to various spots on the 2 continents to catch some prize fish.

I was lucky; the only fish that took more than 3-10 casts was the Blue Sailfin in Stranglethorn. This quest is quite convenient for Horde to do, since 2 of the 4 fishing sites, in Stranglethorn & Desolace, are located right outside Horde towns. Of course, I would never attack an Alliance if he was fishing. Well, unless he was on my KOS list.
A great start to my weekend. I'm going to bed now.
Isep is now 48, with Forex right behind at 47. In 3rd place, Emy, at 38. That was an inspired catch up there. At 46 I moved Isep to Tanaris; how I missed that place! I still have to make forays to Hillsbrad, though, where high level Alliance are still trying to level up on lowbies.
One day. One day, I'll be big too. Until then, I am still willing to come help out if I happen to be in the area.

Lately everyone's been getting plagued by gold spammers. You know, I buy gold. I patronize gold sellers. However, receiving ingame tells about it is annoying. I report every one. Once I even received spam while talking to a GM. Two birds with one stone. Yayeah.
Keith says that reporting gold spammers like that is going to make gold more expensive for everyone. Well, maybe it will, but it will only be more expensive from the company of assholes who took the liberty of badgering me. Fuck them. Don't buy from these guys; you'll be paying for their banned spam accounts. No sympathy!And then, I'd like to talk about Amaranth's pants.

Now I must tell you about this asshole Priest I grouped with in Razorfen Downs. Only a week or so earlier, I had come to his aid in STV; he had asked the zone for help with a couple of Alliance who were griefing him. I headed over & killed them for him, & he didn't even stop to say a word to me; not "thanks" or even "hi." I shrugged, headed over to Zul'kunda, & then later when he ended up berating the zone for not helping him with the Alliance that had returned, I shrugged again & went on with my quest.

So I ended up in an RFD group with this guy, Soze, as the Priest. I made the connection, but said nothing. I even complimented him on his healing. Any time I don't die, I'm happy.We had a competent warrior, & when our mage (Cexi) abandoned us a ways in, we knew we would be ok 4-manning it. Soze had made snide comments at everyone at one point or another (when my Sap failed, he said, "Nice pull."), but after awhile he was clearly picking on our warlock, Valithas. Everyone just tolerated him, since, after all, he was our healer.Once we reached the point where there were only Undead, we asked Soze to Shackle. Initially he said he hadn't gotten Shackle yet, then made some lame excuse when our warrior told him what level he would have gotten it at. "And no, the Priest is not pulling," he said. So our tank would pull & Soze would Shackle once he was sure he had aggro.When Valithas' imp broke a Shackle, Soze had a fit. He demanded that Valithas just not have a pet at all, & when Valithas apologetically said, "I had it on whatever (our tank) was attacking," Soze nastily said, "So I was imagining it? I'm making this up?"
At this point I asked him to stop. We were a few packs before the boss, & we just wanted to move on. Immediately Soze lit into me. Here are a few screenshots from that noise:

I left group when he started threatening not to heal me. Priests with a God complex are just not my cup of tea.
Anyway, I went & cried to Copycat about it. And it just so happened that Chris was on his way to RFD with a guildie, so I got to tag along with them. HAHA SOZE. Kiss my ass; I completed my shit in spite of you, & with a lot less grief.
And afterward, since the Crossroads were under attack, Copycat, Kostchtchie & I headed North where everyone had fun. =)

Luminate asked for a duel, to which Chris was reluctant, but gave him his duels. And then afterward dueled me. I won, btw. lol

Then one night Shattered Halls went down, & we didn't know what to do with ourselves. Upon hearing that Rich had a toon on Ysondre, we rolled some level 1s there. You know, I really love Deathknell. I never get to hang out there, but there's just something so nostalgic about it.

I spent a little time on my hunter, running around with Krissy a lot of times. I guess I miss ranged dps. Or maybe I just miss Easy mode.
One Monday night the servers went down just for 15 minutes instead of the usual 8 hours, & so I came back & took advantage of the low server population: pet talents to be gathered in Duskwood & Redridge. Oink!!
Dunizel is my Priest. You know, I have no problem healing in a group with her, but soloing her is just... it's just torture. So when I had an opportunity to run around with the guildies, I took it. Thanks for all the help in Hillsbrad. =)

I did run around Arathi a bit with Shane; we both had "group" quests in Stromgarde so we teamed up for it. When we arrived, there was an Alliance pair standing around. To show them we were uninterested in them, I ran up & pulled a mob. But... they were interested in us. That's ok.

Our 2 new friends rezzed on the bridge, & Shane played LOS with them for awhile until I mentioned that there were 2 of them, one of them a healer. We then stood around for several minutes in a rather boring standoff. Until I decided to go up there.

A couple more Alliance showed up, & it occurred to us that we would be outnumbered if they decided to join up, which they did. We ended up constructing a truce without any further blood shed. Alliance account ftw. Forex, Emy & I then went on to quest, although we did run into them (peaceably) again.
And, there were rats. I took come pictures for Taryn.
And on my way back out I stopped to help some Horde on the road. After all, someone's got to level them, right? This fight ended up somewhat crappily since a level 70 rogue named Brilliant showed up. Damn you, Manifest Destiny!

Remember Omnisoul? I think this is his friend. Or it's at least his guildie. It's nice to know when you have a pretty firm guarantee that someone is an asshole. I didn't even bother to hit this guy; he got mobbed by everyone else at Nasingwary.
And then I was running around on my little gnome, when a big old Tauren shows up. But I mooed at him, & I think he understood what I said! "Help me with Frostmane Hold," I said.
I did hit him by accident. Sorry. He still helped me with everything.
People would call that guy a Carebear. But frankly, helping out a little level 9 is kinda sweet. Isep sent him some gold & a thank you note. "Thank you for helping our little Talula!"
A few nights ago I was killing pirates in Tanaris. Once I finished my quests, I headed out, mounted. There was a 51 Druid fighting a pirate; I rode past him, feeling benevolent to the minority on the server, & the fool rooted & Moonfired me. I sighed at him, waited for the root to come off, & then I ran over & kicked his ass. And then I logged on the other account & talked mean to him.
Four levels don't mean nuttin', honey, if you don't know how to fight.

And then there was Mancake! You know, the little shit had tried to sneak up on me in STV & we ended up stealthing around eachother for a long time until he left. Anyway, I was grouped with a Priest & Druid in Hinterlands, & I don't know what Mancake was thinking, but apparently his Sprint wasn't up. Mine was though.
I'm getting a little better at taking screenshots. =)