Leveling continues, but at a very slow pace. Monica is still slaving away & has reached the grand old age of 29; Audrey rolled a hunter with the name of one of our favorite kanji, & I have no picture of Rich here because I can't keep track of which toon he is playing currently. You're too fleet for me, Rich.
Isep is going to milk STV for all she can wring out of it. I love that place; I've always loved that place. It's like a vacation resort area, within a recreational game no less. Who could ask for more?
One day a warlock was asking the zone for help, so I trotted over. It's nice to be able to help someone else out. I provided the lock an opening to rezz, then hung out a little while for the hunter's rezz. And then after that the hunter found other things to do.
That was fun.
Here's a picture taken in Desolace, at Shadowprey Village. The water is so pretty. I really like Shadowprey Village; it's very relaxed feeling. Good fishing, too.
But back to STV. While I was working on the Singing Blue Shards quest, I spied a human pally nearby. Choosing to mind my own business, I engaged a basilisk in plain view. I was disappointed when he immediately ran up & attacked me. But that's ok.
I came back, rezzed & jumped him, but failed miserably because I really hadn't thought anything through. I don't know shit about meleeing Paladins; I've only ever killed them on my mage. So I died, & then I asked my friend with a 60 rogue for advice. Then I came back, climbed on a hill, & waited for awhile. My moment came shortly.
That was fun.
In other news, fishing continues.
Sometimes a break from Isep is necessary. I rolled a hunter. I know I don't need any more alts, but I had some lowbie hunter gear saved up, & besides... I miss it. Getting her from 1 to 10 was a snap, & then I got the pet quest; always an exciting time.
Pet quest completed, I then embarked on a pilgrimage to Mulgore to tame the 1.0 attack speed lion, The Rake. I didn't want to wait until I was a little higher level. The Rake is level 10. I wished to acquire The Rake at level 10. The acquisition was exciting. But the prize itself was disappointing. Guess I should pay more attention to patch notes.
So if all pets now had a 2.0 attack speed, & I couldn't Shadowmeld, then the advantages to having a cat pet were greatly diminished in my mind. I visited Petopia & perused pets. As a Blood Elf I have no hitpoints to speak of. Although it occurred to me that a high DPS/low armor pet might kill attackers off of me faster in pvp, where players completely ignore the pets, in truth we all know that a pet isn't going to kill anyone. So I figured at least one of us should have high armor. I liked the Charge & Gore abilities the piggies had, & when I found that there were sleek black ones in Durotar, I went & got myself one.
Sausage is a hit. Everyone loves him. We even got a little love from a 28 & 29 Shammy/Warrior duo in Zoram Strand. It was good times with Sausage, & of course always good times with Audrey. Let me know if you would like a copy of the Fraps.
That was fun.
PvPLog is still a bit buggy. Looks like we will have to resort to the old-fasioned way of keeping track of our KOS harem: paper & pencil. Oh well.
A few days ago I was trotting out of Tarren Mill on my way to Alterac. I passed by a level 21 warlock & level 23 hunter killing spiders & bears, & then I stumbled over a 36 human rogue. Yeah, he looked just like Bryan.
That was fun.
They were both now 33. Retribution & Elysia. When I saw them, even though my buggy PvPLog didn't sound the audible ding, a warm fuzzy feeling of recognition went through me. It was almost romantic. They dispatched the spider then ran around looking for me before heading back toward Theramore. I waited a little while, then continued North up the coast toward the murlocs.
No sooner had I engaged a murloc on one of the islands than I saw my old friends swimming out toward me in the water. Tenacious, these 2! I Vanished again a the last moment, but this time they were smart enough not to aggro my murloc... although a totem the shammy threw out apprently aggroed one of the nearby level 37 Mudrock turtles. I unfortunately was not close enough to help the turtle out, having fled, stealthed, toward the center of the murlocs. I know, I wasn't thinking.
So I gave up grinding & spent the next 15-20 minutes just following Retribution & Elysia. It took them awhile to relax, but finally Retribution pulled a murloc while Elysia was still medding, a bit out of range.
I died, though. With Elysia one blow away from death, & trying to cast her heal, my Kick wouldn't execute. I realized that I had accidentally hit my R key, & was composing a message to Copycat saying, "11111222111111waaaddd4441111111." Foolishly, not wanting to send gibberish to Chris, I hit my backspace key to erase it. During this time Elysia healed herself, & Retribution knocked me the fuck out.
I spirit rezzed & flew out. I was done with my quests there anyway.
I completed a few more quests in other areas & flew to Hillsbrad to deliver a Strong Troll's Blood potion to Monica for her quest since Alliance had killed the bat handler & no one could fly out. As I flew, I logged in my other account & did a /who Hillsbrad, just to see what there was.
There was Retribution & Elysia. =)
Once in Hillsbrad, I told the zone "WTB human warrior & draenei shammy, name of Retribution & Elysia," & in no time at all I heard that they were in the yeti caves. Monica & I headed over there. A 27 warrior asked for a revenge shot at them as well & so he came along too. He & Monica simply stood at the front of the cave, & when Retribution & Elysia saw them, they came running up like ardent lovers that had been parted for centuries.
It was great fun. Sorry for the crappy shots, but I need a 3rd hand to take any decent screenshots. Fraps of 2 out of 5 skirmishes are available though.
When the time came that Retribution stopped rezzing & Elysia made a run for it, we killed her one last time & then we left. No sense in overkill. lol
Anyway, I got my mount. =)
Anyway, now it's the Monday night patch, & I have to say that overall, I had fun.
1 comment:
Hah, now Erica is a celebrity!
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