There's something about the tooltip of Silverleaf when you can still get a skillup from it in the shade of Tirisfal. Naturally, to make it easier to collect Doomweed, I went to see Fairuza for Herbalism, & then I ran around enjoying the gloom.
Reid joined me; I made a warlock so I could run around Deathknell with him.
So we all worked our evil butts off, & we levelled. Well, so it's not epic levelling, but while we are raiding BWL on the Alliance side, on the Horde side it's just a joy to be able to /laugh or /cheer & not feel like a complete gayball loser. Let me tell you; it's a great feeling.
At right, a photo of Bryan bitching about something. Yeah, that's why we heart him.
So anyway, we're all, oh, in our 30s now. But everyone's got like 5 alts, so cumulatively we're all 150.
We've done RFC & WC together at least twice to get everyone's alts taken care of, & it's been nice operating without a plow. So we actually wipe every so often. Some days we wipe a lot. One night Krissy had to go to bed, so I played her Priest & my Warlock at the same time, on one computer. I hat to alt+tab for everything. And then Rich had to go to bed as well, so Monica was double boxing as well, although she had the luxury of a 2nd computer. Still, it was hard. But fun. =)
One of the really annoying things about playing Alliance is the prevalence of idiots. Come on, say you're a little 12-year-old, & you're choosing which race you want to be. Would you pick anything on the Horde side? No! 'Cuz it's not pretty! So then we get these stupid emo kids crying in every BG, & a vast majority of players who can't spell (what's going on with the schools today?). I've never seen so many beggars as I've seen on the Alliance side. It seems like every day in Ironforge there's some poor idiot whose mommy bought him the game but he can't figure out how to play it so he needs someone else to give him money.
The other FTM players all transferred their level 60 Horde toons from our old server. I personally will not do that, since our old server is a PvP server & damned if I am going to bring my hard knocks mage over to a pussy server. That's right, we are on a PvE server. Faghelm. I don't know whose idea it was to move here but I don't spend a single day not wishing he had chosen better. Anyway, the Horde level 60 guild is called FTA, or "Fuck The Alliance." But none of them ever log on.
Wailing Caverns has been fun. I think we've run it at least 5 times with different group makeups so we could get everyone. It's a pain in the ass collecting all the Serpentbloom & Deviate Parts. But I think we've gotten everybody. =) In Wailing Caverns our tanks learned an important technique: pull the mob away from the other mnobs, so that they won't all come running when it screams for help. Ahha, Serial Killer 101 is in session!!
All in all, I Heart Seki is made up of a small group of friends, & I like that. FTM is fun in that there are a lot of us, & so it's not hard to assemble ("Warriors of the night!!") a group for Scholo, & we do a lot of fun things, like BWL & ZG. I have a bunch of purple shit. But we're just not Horde. We're... just not Horde.
Anyway, we went running around Stonetalon for a bit. Ah, I have good memories of this place, albeit with my ex, who had an Orc Hunter. He doesn't play any more. Yeah, he's not the same person any more. Screw him. lol But... I still have good memories. After all, Stonetalon was my first Contested zone. Of course, there's no such thing on this server.
I needed a Deadly Blunderbuss to complete the Warsong Supplies quest in Ashenvale, but when I checked AH the cheapest one was 7g. That's bullshit. I don't even have 7g. For 7g I raised up a rogue who undertook Engineering to make the damn gun. Here she is --- or here her corpse is --- apparently buttfucking Captain Perrine. Yeah, it's nice to kill humans.
And then there's Undercity. I remember my first visit to Undercity; I hated it. I couldn't find anything; the whole place confused me & I even got motionsick from running around after awhile. But now I love Undercity. I sure like it a lot better than Ironforge or Stormwind.
Anyway, thank you for reading my first I Heart Seki blog on Since we all only play Horde side part time, there aren't even a quarter as many screenshots as I have for FTM (see the blogs on my MySpace.). You know, it sounds dick, but maybe we should have rolled our Horde on a PvP server. Dammit.