It was I Heart Seki, then Bunnies, & now it's I Heart Seki again.

For a list of my WoW blogs, click here.

If the pictures look all jacked, you might need to adjust your browser to a 12" width. Sorry about that.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Blood Elf Adventures.

It started off as a little curiosity between Audrey & me. What was this new Horde race, Blood Elf? Would they be sufficiently evil? Would they be better than Undead? Would they have good jokes?

So late at night we rolled our Blood Elves on one of the new PvP servers, just to see. And to maybe get into some Contested zones. Yeah, we remember what that is.

Silvermoon City slays me. I can't figure out which gave me more vertigo & motionsickness, CS or SC. Seriously. The place is gorgeous, but it's just really freaking big & it takes forever to get anywhere.

Eversong Woods is gorgeous. In fact, the entire new lowbie area is beautiful. I took several large-sized screenshots because so many different spots during my travels just seemed eloquent.

Krissy, Monica & Rich joined us with Blood Elves of their own. All I had to do was say the word "peeveepee."

The level 10+ area, Ghostlands, is dark, gloomy & still quite beautiful. I found myself wondering if this place could be closer to my heart than Tirisfal. But no, no... Tirisfal is my home.

And then, of course, I tried out the fishing.

I decided to level my rogue Isep, since in these early server days gankage, & especially high level griefing of lowbies, would be less frequent since most players would be racing to level. A high level rogue is a great boon to lower level members in a guild. Just ask Mark or Phil. =)

I moved Isep to Tirisfal & then on to The Barrens, for faster levelling through familiar quests. I was loving the quests in Ghostlands, but decided I could level faster by familiar routes. Later when Isep is done I can go back & explore Ghostlands at my leisure.

Unfortunately, Blood Elves are consistent with Elves in that our /dance sucks.

And yet... some of the men are kinda... hot. Maybe I have a problem.

Finally we formed a guild. Thanks to Phil & Mark for providing extra signatures. For the name, we originally wanted ¤¥, but apparently symbols are not allowed in guildnames. So we chose a name that we would be proud to PvP under. One that would be easy to remember by the foes we vanquish.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Female Blood Elf Faces.

Hello, my name is Lauren & I have way too much time on my hands.

There appear to be a total of 10 different faces. I started with the "Makeup Face," & navigated by the right arrow. Enjoy. Yes, I know there's something wrong with me.

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Adventures in Wailing Caverns

I'm really just wanting to test out this Blogger thing. I have had a blog on Blogger for a few years now but I kind of abadoned it for MySpace - - and now I'm back again. This new Google crap is weird, so I need to do a little orientation here...

Anyhoo, to continue off of Lauren's post, here's some screenshots of us running around in WC. Rich hasn't played his Tauren guy much since this run. He was busy playing his mage for a bit, and now I think he's back to the Tauren. Maybe. I can't remember. It's been too long.

One time we ran WC with a group comprised of casters. That was crazy and quite fun.

Rich is still learning a lot about playing Warrior class toons. We were running around with our alliance toons last night and he seems to have gotten the hang of keeping aggro on him and using sunder a lot. But, it's difficult for him to follow us around, it seems. Things are different on a Mac, unfortunately, so when people tell him to do certain things using his keyboard, it doesn't work and then he gets all stressed out. I think he needs a PC just for WoW. He can't even use any addons, and that really sucks. Po'ting.