It was I Heart Seki, then Bunnies, & now it's I Heart Seki again.

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Saturday, May 26, 2007

Dance Dance Revolucion...BUNNIES STYLE!

Taking a break from running around Tanaris, Kiyoshi and I meet up by the mailbox for a little R&R...or should I say, DANCE-OFF!

We decided to move it to the doorway for stage effect. I know, dorky, we are. Peeps were passing by and stopping to watch the two nutzos shake their thang. Well. they couldn't really see me, thanks to my giant blueberry blocking my way. So it ended up looking like Kiyoshi was spanking my blueberry. eek.

Damn blueberry decapitated me, it seems.Marvel in our quickstep and Cha-Cha-Cha! Dancing with the Stars, here we come!

We have an audience! Vote for team #2!! No, my voidwalker is not smokin' a stogie. I dunno. He's just a freakin' HAM.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007


We have a few new peeps in our guild...WELCOME!

We are Bunnies! Woo hoo! Yeah, Seki started it...he got me in a "festive" mood.

And btw, I had a great dinner with ya'll. I think we should scope out sammich places once a month. whaddya say? LOL.

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