Ok. I'm not going to post up all the screenshots I have. I tried, & I simply don't have adequate descriptions for them. Perhaps it's the week I'm having, perhaps it's my overall attitude about WoW right now. Perhaps I should be doing this when I feel better. Oh, fuck it.
Let's talk about fun stuff.
There's this elite NPC that wanders along the area South of Thrallmar in Hellfire Peninsula. This fucker has kicked my ass on SH as well as Tich. But I have figured out a way to kick him back.
I still get xp for it.
And of course, there is still PvP. Here's my first encounter with Plutto, the druid who Ferocious bit me for some ridiculous crit that he posted on the forums - 3200? Something like that. I have a healthy respect for him, although not that day. He & 2 other druids were stealthing around Hellfire gangbanging solo players. Not nice. Not fair. They died while running away though. So all good.
Ooh, & my first socketed item! I had to learn how sockets work!
This quest had me chuckling the entire time.
Blood Furnace.
I really like Outland. I've liked every zone I've been in. Terokkar Forest was completely different from Hellfire, & had quite a variety of terrain even within itself. This is the area around Auchindon, probably the least attractive area in Terokkar, but still home of those wacky sand gnomes.
At 70 Tamastara still has a quest in Ramparts. Way back when 4 of us, including my instance buddy Odenlee, decided to try 4-manning Ramparts without a tank & even a level 59. We got all the way to the last boss, due to people playing their classes & constant strat discussion (that's right, friends --- science.). But that last boss was just too much without a tank. Still, it was quite the adventure. I think I must have used every freaking cooldown I had on the 2nd boss.
And then there was the MC pug. I think we started with 16 players & got to Gehennas with 11. Probably half the starting raid had never been to Molten Core, & initially we couldn't get past the first fire pack.
Once people learned that pacing their damage in order to allow the tanks to get aggro (is that such a foreign concept now? Maybe just on our server.) things went much smoother.
It also seems that people no longer have to run BRS in order to get keyed for MC; they can just zone right in.
I was sad to look through my bags, & not find an Onyxia scale cloak. I can't remember if Tamastara is keyed for Onyxia, but I understand that that long quest line has also been eliminated from the game. It's like the introduction of Plane of Knowledge in Everquest. Later players couldn't understand about travel on foot --- everything was a port.
I got 2 guildinvites out of this PUG, one of which led to a guild merger proposal.
My my, how I missed those doggies.
Ah, I feel so old.
Phil gave me a pleasant excuse to re-visit my favorite zone of yore. Yore. lol. Anyway, a couple of higher level Night Elf Men (how gay) were running around picking on younguns in STV. Ah, it's nice to be in the 60s. And it's nice to be back in my old stomping grounds, where one's travel path is fairly predictable.
And here was one of those days I just wasn't in the mood for that passive-aggressive bullshit. Nothing personal.
And Whut has left me. Dammit.
Anyway, back to pvp.
And then there's dear Elysia. How I miss her. Although... have you seen her gear? Fuggedaboutit! I would be dead instantly. Ok, so I don't miss her that much then.
So one day I'm riding around Nagrand. It's a beautiful day, but something makes me look up at the sky behind me. And what do I see --- a level 70 warrior coming down on me from the air. He Charges me but I manage to /lol before I run away.
I found a 63 Priest & went back looking for him. It was an exciting fight until the patrol came by. Damn killstealers.
More instancing, thanks for my buddy Odenlee. I still need to finish Ramparts though.
And then I took this picture just for Reid:
And then it was back to Hellfire for a little more fun.
Nagrand is probably my favorite Outlands zone. It's big, green, & you can imagine the wind through the leaves of the trees. And, there's a trampoline.
There's also a pvp area smack dab in the middle of the zone. God Bless Blizzard. God Bless them.
And then Scholomance, revisited. This is my favorite instance in the game. Every time I'm here I think to myself - no, not "what a wonderful world" - I think "If they had an internet connection here, functional plumbing, & a well-stocked kitchen, this would be my dream home."
3 level 60s & I got a little carried away just AEing the crap out of everything. I had to apologize to the priest a few times for stressing him out. He said it was a treat to work with a mage who wasn't a pussy.
Ah, flattery. =)
After Nagrand, I moved to this other zone... I can't remember what it's called now. I like it, but I don't like it, you know? I'm not sure how to explain that. I thought thepiggies were really pretty. But the terrain was jsut a little monotonous for me. I guess I didn't like every area of the Outlands. That 2nd pic is for Reid.
I played around a lot through 69. Something about hitting 70. I felt like I should have accomplished more. Like I should have more friends or something. Oh well. I ran Odenlee & Windbreaker's alts through RFK & WC. I got friends. I also answered calls for help wherever I was.
Wasn't long before I was back on some of my alts. One day I was riding through STV & a dwarf hunter came out behind me. I targeted him, & saw that he had targeted me, but figured that since he could see that I had him targeted (because only an idiot wouldn't be using the Target of Target option, right?), he would know that I wasn't going to attack him. But he still dismounted & shot at me. So I killed him. The end.
Phil transferred his mage over from Tich, & so I started playing Dunizel again. One day I will have a 70 priest. Oh yes. One day. We ran around Arathi for a bit until I got invited to an SM run. Phil came along with me & was distraught by the poor playing on the parts of the lock & the rogue. But you know, it didn't bother me at all. I've played with much worse.
And then I discovered BGs with my priest. All over, my friends. I may never level now. I have friends on other servers!