It was I Heart Seki, then Bunnies, & now it's I Heart Seki again.

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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A Return To IHS.

Ok, I'll be honest about it. I wasn't very happy on Uldum. There were a number of people I loved, mainly Stef, but most days no one was ever on. Being with KA on Uldum was still better than being completely alone in FTM on Bloodscalp... but only a little better. After a while, I noticed that I was so blah. I lost any motivation to do anything. I didn't even feel like fishing. Frankly it was more interesting to log on to my Alliance mage on Khaz Modan.


When we finally scheduled some Naxx10s, I was excited & I signed up right away. On the first scheduled day I logged on an hour before the start time (7:30) & made sure I had reagents, was repaired, & on vent.

My enthusiasm was rewarded by an actual raid start at around 9. There seemed to be a certain level of ambivalence. Like certain folks didn't even really want to go.

And my morale did a nose dive, again.

I thought that maybe if we had more people to raid - people who would care about being on time & prepared - that it would be better. I remembered that Chad, Rylan & Chad's girlfriend were still holding up the I Heart Seki fort on Staghelm. I emailed Chad, & he came back with a willingness to move but a need for help moving their gbank.

Finding that I had no level 10+ Horde toons left on Stag, I rolled a level 1, planning to level her to 10 so she could mule for IHS. I rolled it on Audrey's account too, since I knew she'd undoubtedly score, bagwise.

Once guilded with IHS, I noticed something that didn't quite jive. There were more than 3 people there. I registered with their website, saw their forums & their raid schedule. Not only were there 16 raiding mains here, but they were already doing Naxx/Ulduar10 4x a week. As I realized all this there were 9 guys on, & vent chat was lively.   Well fuck.

"Ok. Nevermind about moving to Uldum. We should move here," I said.

Chad's gf Tammy invited me to a get-together that Friday, which was my birthday. Turned out it was also Chad's birthday. Wow! "So Chad," I said on vent. "Your birthday is this Friday?"

There was silence.

Eventually Chad said, "You didn't have to say it on vent." Oops, turns out his buddies didn't know. My bad.

"So Chad," I then said. "Does Bryan happen to know that it's your birthday this Friday when you are going to be in his bar?"

"Please don't tell him," Chad said immediately.

"I need bags," I said.

BGs in this battle group are a little different from what I'm used to. Horde sucks, for one thing. I swear I never saw so many idiots standing around doing nothing. The other thing is that late night BGs are best. This is the complete opposite of what I'm used to. But actually it's kind of cool, because it's mostly late at night that I feel like BGing.   Having sworn off casual sex, the closest thing I can get to it is pvp.   Just joking.   No really, I'm just joking.   Really.

The Alliance guys seem significantly better geared than what I'm used to. At this point I just find the guy who's not geared & I look hopefully for him all the time. Those bastards must win so many more BGs than Horde that they're all tricked out in the latest fashions. Bitches. I shall persevere.

I've also been having some weird bug where after I switch specs I find that all but 16 of my talent points have become unspent, & in the middle of a flag run I'm trying to find my Ice Barrier & it's not there.

Slightly inconvenient, there.

VoA went really well, though.

I'm a little sad about all the times I've jumped servers. The truth is, though, that I always jumped to something that was fun & exciting & better for me, at least for awhile. Kind of like my lovelife. Hm, bad analogy there. Next picture please.