It was I Heart Seki, then Bunnies, & now it's I Heart Seki again.

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If the pictures look all jacked, you might need to adjust your browser to a 12" width. Sorry about that.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Happy Birthday Emy

Hope you get good mileage out of your new PvP Machine. Thanks to everyone who helped make this possible.

I also took a bunch of video clips, but can't seem to upload anything larger than 12mb to MySpace. I should probably use my Photobucket account but... it's the principle of the thing, you know?

Darick's ID


Seating the RAM


1 comment:

Velvetacide said...

Yesh! Thank you to everyone for my bday gift! The list was "lost" for a while so I had no idea who to thank. Now that it's found I can resume my crafting =)

Now if I could just get all my "sofuto" from the old one onto the new one, that would be shweeeet. But then again, I found out my old comp is still pretty good, just need to switch out a maybe I'll just keep this new one as my "killing machine." LOL.

Muchos Arigatos, everyone!

I can even bring this one to work! hehehe. I have lots of space in my new cubbie..